
Agricultural marketing

The modernization of the agricultural sector has been aided by the creative and integrated development of internet technology and agriculture. Firstly, internet information technology has likewise advanced incredibly quickly. It stands for the transmission and integration of numerous information resources as well as innovative advancements in science and technology. Secondly, the resultant diversity encourages modernization in agriculture to address the inherent flaws in conventional agricultural production. Most importantly, this is added to the unceasing spread of internet technology. and its integration with a wide range of significant fields. In this blog, we will learn about agricultural marketing and its goals, significance, and role in economic development. Agricultural marketing, originated as a result of the significant expansion of development in both marketing and agriculture.

What is agricultural marketing?

Agricultural marketing is the activities involved in getting an agricultural product from the farm to the consumer. Planning, arranging, directing, and handling agricultural produce in a way that pleases farmers, merchants, and consumers are all part of these services. This is accomplish ed through a variety of interconnected processes. They include production planning, planting, growing, harvesting, grading, packing, and packaging, transport, storage, and food processing. It also involves the provision of market information, distribution, advertising, and sales. Effectively, the phrase refers to the entire spectrum of agricultural product, supply chain operations, whether they were through sporadic sales. or through a more integrated network, such as one incorporating contract farming.

The Emergence of Agricultural Marketing

Particularly in developing nations, efforts to promote agricultural marketing have focused on infrastructure development, information provision, training of farmers, and traders in marketing, and post-harvest challenges, and support for the development of an appropriate policy environment. So, In the past, officially it establishes government-run marketing organizations, but their prominence has diminished over time.

Agricultural marketing

Agricultural Marketing in Saudi Arabia 

In this regard, the Ministry of Environment, Water, and agriculture has previously examined the investment indicators for the concept of marketing Saudi agricultural products. That is in order to boost agricultural production, and develop agricultural product manufacturing industries. Also, this doubles the contribution of the agricultural sector to the domestic product.

Above all, the concept of agricultural marketing for Saudi agricultural products, fits within the activities that maintain up with the progress seen in the Kingdom’s agricultural sector. This, in turn, increases production and rates of crop. and agricultural product self-sufficiency.


Why so important? 

  • Effective agricultural marketing, optimizes resource usage and output management. An efficient marketing strategy can improve marketable excess by reducing processing, storage, and transportation losses. A well-designed marketing strategy can distribute modern inputs effectively, boosting agricultural growth.

    It boosts farmers’ surplus and income. If a producer can’t easily sell his extra produce, he won’t produce more.

    An efficient and well-knit marketing system expands, the product market by taking them to remote locations, within and outside the country, far from the manufacturing points. But, to be accurate, market expansion helps increase demand and guarantees a higher producer income.

    An improved system of agricultural marketing will help in the growth of agro-based industries. Many industries like cotton, sugar, edible oils, food processing, and jute depend on agriculture for the supply of raw materials.

    Marketing system is an open gate for millions of people to be employed. These include commission agents, brokers, traders, retailers, weighmen, packagers, and regulating staff. This apart, several others find employment in supplying goods and services required by the market system.

    Any economic development strategy, that aspires to reduce the poverty of the agricultural population, reduce consumer food costs, earn more foreign exchange, or eliminate economic waste, must build an efficient marketing system for food and agricultural products.

    In conclusion, as a subfield of economics, the agricultural marketing system dates back to the


    early twentieth century. It is the culmination of all efforts, that promote and facilitate exchange by guiding the flow of products and services from producers to consumers. Accordingly, the Safe Supply Company’s provides the capacity to promote agricultural goods, and crops using the most effective marketing techniques. So, it offers the best safe logistical solutions for moving all crops.

  •  That is, while providing all the necessary circumstances to ensure safe transportation, and taking into account the various acceptable requirements for each commodity separately.

