العوامل المؤثرة على إنتاج المحاصيل الزراعية

Factors affecting the production of agricultural crops

Agricultural production is a vital part of every farm’s life. The agriculture methods impact the rate of financial profit for farmers in particular and the state in general. As a result, it is critical to understand the many methods for improving agricultural production, the variables influencing agricultural output, and how we may contribute to the success of agriculture and boost crop yields. Farmers with access to contemporary agricultural techniques and procedures may readily improve crop production while maintaining farm sustainability and profit in the long run.

agricultural production.Accordingly, we will discuss the positive and negative aspects affecting agricultural production.

What are the factors that affect agricultural production?


First: climatic factors affecting agricultural production

Climate is one of the most important natural elements influencing agricultural crop kinds, as each region cultivates different crops based on the local climate. Climate has a significant impact on the soil’s composition and its various types and levels of fertility. For instance, temperature, precipitation, wind, light, humidity, and frost are the most influential climatic factors on agricultural productivity.

The following climate elements have an impact on agricultural production:

  • Sunlight

    Light from the sun is a crucial and powerful factor in agriculture. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants must obtain their sustenance. In addition, light facilitates mineral absorption.

    Plants are impacted by light intensity, wavelengths, daytime length, and the time they are exposed to light.

    Water and precipitation

    Water helps promote plant life and crop growth; The more water available, the better the yield of cultivated crops.


    Usually, plants are affected by high or low temperatures. For example, high temperatures above the normal limits that plants can tolerate hampers the growth of crops. Likewise, being below a reasonable limit prevents the plant from absorbing water. Temperature influences the many developmental phases of plants, including transpiration, which is the release of water from plant parts such as steam, dormancy, photosynthesis, seed development, and others. It is represented by photosynthesis and respiration of the plant, as well as the possibility of protein synthesis and seed germination, and it can contribute to the breaking of seed dormancy. Plants develop early and swiftly in places with high temperatures because photosynthesis happens more rapidly.

    Oxygen and carbon dioxide:

     The plant needs oxygen to stimulate the energy used in growth processes. It also needs carbon dioxide to make food during the process of photosynthesis. The percentage of oxygen in the air is 21%. The rate of carbon that plants need to make food in the photosynthesis process is approximately 0.040%. 

 Second: environmental factors affecting agricultural production.

These factors include environmental factors such as:

Natural Topography

The topography of the land has an impact on agricultural productivity. For instance, some topography makes plowing harder and contributes to soil erosion. It also affects the transport routes through which agricultural products will be exported. Consequently, rough mountain slopes make it impossible to utilize agricultural machinery on the land.


The soil is a factor that affects the success of agricultural produce since the plant’s roots develop within the top layer of soil. The roots are the most crucial organ a plant attaches, relying on them for stability, water, and nutrients. On the other hand, the soil’s quality affects the acceptance of seeds for the completion of the germination process and aids agricultural plants in absorbing nutrients and water via their roots. In other words, nutrient-deficient soils inhibit plant growth and production.

An ideal soil has around 45 % mineral matter, 25 % water, 25 % air, and 5% organic matter. The fertility of the soil relies on several elements, including its depth and texture.

Green Technology:

Green technology’s purpose is to lessen human activity’s harmful effects on the environment. They will support the human population on Earth and provide future generations with viable farming techniques if done correctly.

Third: Other direct and indirect factors affecting agricultural production

  • Biological variables, including diseases, insects, hazardous pests, and weeds, cause significant crop output losses and damage crops. Consequently, these biological elements must be addressed and managed appropriately.

  • The low access to agricultural equipment: In some regions, it isn’t easy to get agricultural equipment, which severely impacts agricultural productivity.

  • Changes in market demand for some plants over the season are detrimental to agricultural output.

  • The distance from the market: Typically, the cost of transportation to the market affects the competitiveness of agricultural produce. That is because farmers located far from the market are responsible for transporting their produce to the market.

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Socio-economic factors and their impact on the production and distribution of agricultural crops

In addition to environmental considerations, socio-economic factors significantly impact crop production and distribution.

Social Factors

Some social factors significantly impact people’s preference for producing particular crops and the tendency toward planting them at the expense of others. Thus, some of the social practices and traditions that the inhabitants of that region have received are developed, causing them to adhere to them and value the production of that crop.

Through the use of the media, agricultural extension services, and awareness campaigns, some of these practices that obstruct the growing of different crops that are economically significant to the state can be successfully eradicated. As part of a national effort to educate farmers, agricultural groups, cooperative societies, and popular and official organizations offer sessions. Adopting contemporary development strategies is essential in the plan against illiteracy and other issues.



Economic Factors

Economic factors are more significant than social ones, particularly in regions where agriculture is practiced for commercial reasons. Listed below are some of the economic factors that contribute to the development of specific crops in specific locations:

  1. Marketing: Agricultural marketing aids in the consumption of a particular product. As a result, its demand increases, compels farmers to extend their cultivation.

  2. Transportation: Transporting agricultural products from one region to another is of critical importance. Many crops must be securely carried from fields to markets via air-conditioned, refrigerated, and expedited vehicles.

  3. Industrialization: The establishment of national industries dramatically helps to expand the production of new crops.

  4. Labor force: has a significant impact on the kind and quantity of output. Despite the advent of sophisticated gear, many crops continue to be cultivated mostly by hand, including the cultivation and harvesting of vegetables, fruits, etc.

  5. Storage: One of the significant economic factors in agricultural production is the provision of stores for perishable crops. This ensures that the farmer can store the crop without damage and that it is marketed at the time of need and demand.

  6. Capital: The availability of capital is essential for expanding crops, as modern agriculture requires the purchase of machinery, machinery, pumps, improved seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. As well as the expenses of transporting and storing the crops produced and others.

  7. Modern agriculture necessitates the acquisition of machinery, pumps, better seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, which requires the availability of finance for agricultural growth and the costs of transporting and storing the generated crops and others.

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